K.C. and I visited my niece Linh Linh today. She went along to the market today with us today. We bought some 7 UP and Dr. Pepper and K.C. did great. Linh asked if we could stop by McDonald's and I immediately thought..K.C. So, I told Linh that if we went inside that K.C. might not stay for very long. She said, "o.k." We went inside and K.C. waited patiently while we waited for our food, (french fry's and chicken nuggets, 3 diet cokes.) Got the food, Linh filled each of the cups with soda. We walked back to the play area and Linh climbed up onto those very tall seats. Why on earth do they even have such tall chairs I swear the chairs in the AZ. McDonald's are as tall as bar chairs! Linh climbed right up little bitty as she is. K.C. couldn't get in the chair. I let him try to work it out for 5 minutes but he just couldn't get his body into the chair. I lifted him into the chair and gave him his fries. The chairs swivel too, can you believe tall seats that swivel for kids? K.C. was eating his fries and I handed Linh her Chicken Nuggets and sure enough he fell out of the chair and hit his head yet again on part of the play structure behind us. Just a red spot on the forehead, still I wonder why they use those chairs? This time I sat him on the opposite side of the table and held the chair still with my feet. He stayed the course even after he fell out of his chair. Linh ran off and climbed and played and called to K.C. but he sat with me. He could care less about playing. When it was time to leave Linh was so far up into the play structure I had to find her. K.C. followed behind me and when I turned around I saw him making a beeline for the door. He doesn't run really, it's more a very fast walk. Thankfully he stopped right at the door and stared at the numbers on the door. I glanced at what he was looking at and it looked like Hours Of Operation. Linh seen us near the door and she ran to us with her shoes in her hands. She said she had fun! Big Brother has started a blog with my help. The typing on each post will be and is all his own. He's a brilliant little boy, I think the blog will be good for him. Maybe he needs to vent too sometimes. I know it isn't easy for him sometimes being a Big Brother to K.C. but he tries very hard. Big Brother is 6 1/2 years old but he is learning on the 4 th grade level. His blog is here.. http://www.jayceversustheworld.blogspot.com
WOW success at the grocery store and at McDonalds too! KC is doing SO well! I am thrilled that he sat through a whole meal with all that buzzing and activity around him! And to still stay after having fallen? WTG KC!
Does K.C. receive OT and PT? Really push the district for these services and try to get them into his IEP. Children can make such great strides in all areas if these areas are addressed along with ABA.
I think it is cool for him to have a blog. AND yeah I thought they were high too.
That is really cool that he has his own blog, and it is really well written! My son is 6-1/2 and there is no way he could do this right now!
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll, too!
Got bed time routine but I'll be back to check junior's blog - must run in the family!
Hope KC is ok after the fall---so much hard plastic at McD's. Charlie always had an interesting time of it on the play structures with all the other kids running around.
Must check out Big Brother's blog!
Totally lost my comment, as when I went to sign in with the new blogger, it erased my fabulous comment! LOL
McD's is notorious for not having any thought to it's public. There is one out here in a richy rich suburb with sofas and leather armchairs - you'd think that would be more kid friendly, but you're made to feel like the kids shouldn't be on the furniture - it's a fast food restaurant for petes sakes!
Can't wait to read Big Brother's Blob! Hey - did I miss a post about his trip and experience at the Christmas Party?
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