We made another trip to the snow! This time we went to Strawberry, AZ. Just about 19 minutes away from Payson on highway 87. ( Just a Mom, the snow was beautiful!) (There is a small shop that sells honey and nuts on the way home on 87 just before you reach Payson, it's wonderful!) K.C. seemed to be more curious this time, walking through the snow but not touching yet! He's o.k. as long as it doesn't touch his hands. He won't wear gloves, he refuses them. Big Brother had a blast! I swear he could stay in the snow for hours! He loved it. K.C. was fine until a snow plow came hauling down the road not once but three times! I haven't heard a snow plow in years so when I heard it, but couldn't see it, it scared me to death! K.C. screamed out covering his ears. It was very loud. I walked K.C. back to the car took his shoes off and covered him with a blanket. Turned his little DVD player on and sat it on his lap. He quieted down. Big Brother played as we watched by himself. Big Brother wasn't unhappy playing alone, it has become the norm. It's fun to watch Big Brother play, he'll talk and talk and talk to himself the whole time. Even though the boys hardly play together Big Brother never gives up. He'll always try to get K.C. to play with him. I have seen that K.C. will watch Big Brother a little longer and sometimes screech (he's happy) but I really believe he doesn't know how to play. When he screeches, he's smiling and watching, sometimes jumping. Obviously he wants to play, I have to teach him how. A little each day.

What a wonderful day with your two boys! We haven't had any snow yet this year. Brother-roo is waiting for it. Hopefully we will get at least one nice snow fall.
SO did they get fresh stuff??? When we went up ther we kept going up the mountain,, it was a ways up BUT there was a pull off and it had a hudge hill and sooo much snow!!!! I am so glad you went up that was, It is so easy huh!!! Better and faster then Flag.
Talk about a change of climate!
Snow!! Wow, haven't seen that cold stuff in quite a few years. :-) Conor has never seen snow, but probably wouldn't touch it, either. His new thing is wanting to keep his hands dry in the bathtub. Yeah, that's fun. LOL
You're an awesome mom. Don't ever forget that.
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