The school called this morning and asked me to come pick K.C. up from school because he was headbanging. Is the school not trained in how to deal with SIBS? I am so angry! He was in the nurses office and the nurse said, "he let me put ice on his head." The teacher says she doesn't know what triggered his headbanging. She did say that if he headbanged in the future he would be sent home. Sent home because of Autism?? I am so mad- I will write more later.
OMG, I can't believe that they don't know what to do for SIBS! I thought that he was in an autism classroom where there was a well trained teacher and teacher's aides. Guess not and that stinks. I can't believe that I can finally comment on your blog, it must be because you made changes to it huh? Big Hugs to all of you! We Love You Guys!
How frustrating. I am sorry about KC and school. Sam's been having "one of those months" and I haven't been able to blog, but finally had a chance to read my favorite Autism mommies and started with yours. I will be hoping for better days ahead at school. Tell the teacher your concerns right away and ask if there is anyone she can get input or training from in SIBS if not. Then take it to a SPED director or something. Geeeeesh, I feel for ya!!!
OH MAN that so sucks!!! His head looks like there was more then just one bang, where was the teacher? Poor baby,, Poor YOU!!!!!
unaccaeptable. period. THEY need to get their SH*T together.
I agree with Sam's dad...take this to someone else in charge. That's absolutely ridiculous. If he's in an autism classroom, they most certainly should be familiear with SIBS and know that by threatening the parents with KC being sent home for future "incidents" is not going to stop the headbanging. I am livid for you! Keep us posted.
Wow, I would be spitting nails angry if I were you. But that's me and being spitting nails angry never accomplishes what I want! Keep your head and I hope you get this figured out, with the solution not being they call you to pick him up!
I have there with Billy Ray while he was in school. It is one of the reasons my business failed. I couldn't work much when he was home and he was constantly being sent home if they didn't get him to the bathroom soon enough (even though he had extra clothes there)or he developed a runny nose (common with some kids with Down's). He did not headbang but the sophomore teacher could find any reason to send him him. It was impossible to work even during school days.
we faced and went through the same things with Noah. His started out as pushing incidences or attempts at biting in preschool. They finally decided that they would allow him FIVE attempts at pushing things or someone before calling us to send him home. We got calls all the time. He was only going PART of the day anyway......so it was just ridiculous. He was not there long at all and they made us feel like no one really wanted the PAIN to deal with him. As you know I homeschool Noah now because things got even worse when we tried sending him to kindergarten. You will have NO problems and you may find your son will do better too like Noah....for all those reasons you mentioned! If you need anything let me know! :)
is that a knot I see on his forehead>? OUCHIE! Well....when Noah was in kindergarten for a few months the school tried the same thing. It got to the point where they just acted like they did not want to "deal" with Noah anymore. He at that time was still trying to run off the school grounds or push/bite because he was still not that verbal and could not easily express himself. He would body slam into walls and such. They had us sign a letter to give them PERMISSION to RESTRAIN him (which we were not comfortable with) for his supposed own safety...not the others' safety. This meant they would grab him and sit on the floor and put him between their legs and basically about squeeze him to death to hold him down. This needless to say did not go over well and lasted maybe a short week. Noah finally was only going to school for his therapies, OT, ST, and some supposed behavior/social skills classes. Then it got to where they did not even want him coming for that so we tried another school that specialized in kids with issues. Most of the kids there had a form of autism. There were only 5-7 kids in the class...it was a self-contained classroom. Noah unfortunately did not even make it 1 week there. The teachers had a huge attitude and had isolated him from the other students by day #2! It was another nightmare and I swore I would not put him through all that again so we yanked him and homeschooled him the rest of that year and the rest is history. Since homeschooling Noah he has thrived. He became very verbal very quickly....soaks up stuff like a sponge. The added stressors a public classroom setting are eliminated. I think KC will do very well at home!
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