I am trying to get K.C. a bit more active. He did climb on the play structure today. He stood on the first bar but would go no further. I wanted to take him for a short walk but he didn't want to go. He headed straight up the stairs and walked towards our front door. Will try again tomorrow:)

Hey next time you go to the park let me know I will meet ya,,,,
what a cutie he is! All you can do is get him out there to play. Maybe next time he will want to play more!
One step at a time!
good for kc and good for you! he climbed a bit today, he'll climb a bit more tomorrow!
hey girl glad you made it up north. I thought about it but that is a far as it wnet. Did the camera die up there? I sure hope not. a Park would be great that way K.C. would not get to spooked and I would just be,,, Thursdays I am at my friends watching her babies, other then that i am pretty clear.
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