The Boys put puzzles together this evening. K.C. let Big Brother help for a short time. After a few minutes K.C. moved away from Big Brother. He still prefers to be alone, Big Brother knows and doesn't push K.C. to stay and play too much. K.C. has been a handful this week. He has been trying his best to empty anything liquid down the sink. I had to hide the shampoo, conditioner, lotion, you get the idea. I have gotten everything that is liquid out of his reach. I went to Parent Teacher conferences today. Big Brother is doing very well especially in Reading and Math. She says he always helps clean up the classroom without being asked. He earns "grabbers" for helping and at the end of the week he gets to pick from the treasure chest. His teacher eats with her class at lunch time each and everyday. She said Big Brother ate with another little boy and seemed to be getting along fine. His teacher said the little guy Big Brother was eating with came to her and said, "Jayce (Big Brother) said I am going to drop dead if I keep eating rubbish." When his teacher told me this today, I knew Jayce didn't mean to sound cruel, I know he must have seen this kiddo eating something he thought was unhealthy. He didn't get in trouble and I promised to talk to him about it. Sure enough Jayce said the little fella was eating a sugar filled lunch. That being said I once again talked to Jayce about respecting other people and to choose his words carefully. Think before you speak! He really does mean well, it just comes out wrong. We will work on it.

1 comment:
oooooooooooooooo your gunna have fun when he gets older. I know I got one of them. Hope the rest of the week gets better.
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