Yesterday was K.C.'s first day at his new school! I dropped Big Brother off at his school then drove to my Parents house (which is very close to Big Brother's School) and we waited outside for the school bus. K.C. looked very nervous cause he was rocking back and forth from foot to foot, but, when the bus came around the corner he smiled! The driver is an older gentleman and he put K.C.'s harness on him and buckled him into his seat. I am so very proud of how well K.C. did with the transition! The day before he started school (this is his second day) he looked at the pictures of his new classroom alot. When he got on the bus he had the picture of his new classroom with his new teacher standing outside the door in his hand. When K.C. got on the bus I followed in my car. I didn't tell anyone I would be following so that I could see how it went coming off the bus. K.C. was the last one being picked up on the route so the bus headed straight for the school. I parked so that K.C. could not see my car but I could still see the bus. I seen the teacher and aides waiting outside for the students and watched them get off one by one. K.C. was last to get off (probably because of the harness) and when he did come off the bus he hesitated and tried to get back on the bus. I know he must have been a little confused. The teacher took his hand and got down to his eye level and was talking to him. I could see she was smiling at him and off they kids went to class. There are 8 children in his room. His teacher called me twice during the school day to let me know, "he is doing WONDERFUL!" I am so relieved and so proud of him. The note his teacher sent home said he ate chicken nuggets, wouldn't touch the veggies, drank apple juice. He went to APE, Motor Lab and Speech Therapy. They also sent home some of his papers he did at school. He is working on tracing straight lines with hand over hand. There is so much more but I wanted to give you guys an idea of what his day was like. I am thankful that my Parents let me use their address. K.C. and Big Brother have a room at my Parents house. It's a room they share if there is a guest. K.C. has some of his stuff in the room and Big Brother has lots of his stuff there. If the school wanted to come visit they are more than welcome to. When K.C. attended preschool, his preschool teacher said they only make home visits for children in preschool. K.C. is now in 1st grade and is in school til 3:30. My Parents have lived in the city K.C. goes to school at for years. They are taxpayers and have a son (my brother) with Autism. We live at my Parents retirement home (was supposed to be their retirement home) but K.C., Big Brother and I live here and their Daddy when he's in town. I gave a timeline of 6 months because if we did move and find a house of our own, we would have to work something out with my Parents and not leave them hanging.
I did what's best for K.C. He is deserves the best, "all children with Autism deserve the very best" as a good friend wrote. I agree. I love this little boy with all my heart and would do anything to see that he is happy. Even if it means using my Parents address.
Thank you to all my friends who have been so supportive. We love you guys dearly and you mean alot to us. Thank you :)
Great news!! Thanks for letting us know. Good for you for finding an excellent spot for your son. (Don't you feel sorry for the children who are stuck in that other classroom?!)
Have I mentioned before that we have those same Superman pjs? Tommy picked them out one day at Target. I tried to talk him out of them, saying that he already has some Superman pajamas. "But these ones have a belt!" was his argument. Of course I gave in :-)
So happy to hear he is in his new school and doing well!!!
Gretchen, I do feel so badly for the children stuck in that room. I called the school district and reported what I had seen when we went there. I hope and pray that something gets done with that program. All we can do is pray for the kiddos. K.C. loves him superman p.j.'s too! I hold up his two shirts in my hands and he'll always want the superman shirt! He even wore the shirt to school a few times, lol.
HOORAY!!!!! I love hearing how successful these last two days were! Bending down to KC's level, smiling, making 2 (two!) phone calls to you, sending home detailed notes... I love it!!!
I'm so glad to hear KC is doing great in his new school. Sounds like a good choice; I hope all the logisitcs can get worked out in your favor, too! :-)
Yeah!!! Am so happy things are off to a great start. Sam doesn't start kindergarten until after Labor Day. Very apprehensive what it will be like until it is in action.
I think you have to do, and are doing what is best for KC. You have enough past stuff to prove your district wasn't the best environment for him if it ever came to that.
I'll pray for your folks to find a way.Maybe they might switch with you if that is their other home?? We are doing a lot of things right. KC has a great ssecurity base to be so easily transitioned Good for you!!
I'm so glad you went with your gut and did what you feel is best for K.C. Please give us more details, I love hearing about this stuff! SOOOO happy for K.C. & for your family!
I totally understand your decision!
KC deserves the best and you are doing what you have to in order to provide it! I think that makes you "SuperMom" and that just seems fitting for our little Superman!
I know that in our district, you need to present a driver's license with your current address. Is there a way you could change that immediately, so that your driver's license has your parents' address?
soooooooooooooo just trade homes with your parents.... theyget their retirment home you get in the district for possitive... Does big brother or you guys go to that nice new beign built synagogue? I am sure you know what one.. I live kinda up the big street from it... just wondering.... glad he is doing so good... and remember IF you need some buttkickin I AM HERE!!!!!!
Hi Tina: Thanks for reaching out to me on my blog! I'm adding you to my blogroll....oh, and if KC likes Disney movies and lining things up....he also looks like he's a fan of SuperMan!
I am so happy for you guys! I am proud of you too! You are such an awesome mommy, always doing what is best for your children.......that is very admirable. Keep up the great work, you are doing such a wonderful job! I will always support you Tina you are the best! We love you guys!!
You are a thief!
To the "Anonymous" that said, "you are a thief"
Dear Anonymous,
I don't give two flying fucks at what you have to say, so don't bother leaving nasty comments on my blog anymore.
To The Anonymous who said, " Is there a way you could change that immediately, so that your driver's license has your parents' address?
I appreciate that idea very much. I will do that and thank you for the idea :)
Thanks to all our blogging friends for your support. You guys are the best!
To anonymous who called Tina a "thief" you have a problem not Tina, you obviously have no scruples and are undeniably rude and have nothing better to do with your time than to judge and criticize others. I say, "Get a life!" nobody agrees with you and apparently have not any courage because you have to hide yourself instead of taking ownership of your ridiculous attitude. Tina is the best mom that I know of and your stupid comments will not affect her decisions, thank goodness. She has the support of plenty of friends who know that she is a stellar mother and she doesn't need your BS so why don't you leave your cowardly comments for someone who gives a damn about what you say!!!!
Here's my question---why are you publicizing all of this on your blog?
Here's my other question--are your friends here (who are encouraging you to ignore the legal ramifications) going to help pay your legal expenses if either of these districts drag you to due process? Only a good attorney can guide you properly in this matter.
And for your information (Lora), I am not the anonymous who wrote the "thief" comment. I too think that was rude.
Anonymous said...
You are a thief!
SOME ONE WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT OUR DISTRICT ,,,,, We have open enrollment here in our city!!!!!!!!
Tina -
Disable anonymous comments. If someone wants to leave a comment badly enough, they can create an account.
As for HAMPSTEAD NH (yes, we ALL know who you are), seriously: get a hobby or something. What a sad little life you must lead.
oh brother. I have had experience with many schools and NONE bother to check up on any child's address. They don't have the staff, time or extra money to invest on having someone do that...verify addresses! GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK!
YEAH FOR K.C. and the new school and how well everything is going so far! I HOPE and PRAY I will be able to report the same for Noah in a couple of weeks!
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