My Big Boy is home! Finally he's feeling better and was released this afternoon from the hospital. Daddy, Mommy, K.C. , Big Brother and College Boy are all finally under the same roof today:) I am so glad that he is home, my Mom watched K.C. most of the time and College Boy filled in as much as he could when he was home from school. My Brother came with my Mom each time she looked after K.C. I am sure he is happy to be home, the change really threw him off and my Mom had her hands quite full taking care of two Autistic boys. Big Brother did have a laugh and an embarrassed red face when we walked through the door of the house. My Brother had been in the bathroom (my Mom is still, yes still having trouble with him in this area) anyhow my Brother walked out of the bathroom with pants half down but still pulling them up as he was already standing out side the bathroom door. As soon as K.C. seen that Big Brother was home the screaming started. I don't know why but when someone walks through the door K.C. will either hide or scream bloody murder. He screamed for a good 30 minutes as my Mom and I talked, ignoring him completely. He finally stopped screaming. My Dad came and got my Mom and Brother. I can totally understand why K.C. has been upset, everything has changed so suddenly, I pray our lives can get back to normal and Big Brother will be o.k. and healthy and happy.
College Boy went to Jack In The Box tonight, he bought tacos, 10 to be exact. A first happened, K.C. went to the bag of tacos and stuck his nose inside and sniffed. College Boy 's eyes got big and took one out of the bag and opened it up. K.C. sniffed it some more then picked at it. College Boy seen that he was trying to pick the lettuce and cheese out of the taco so he took it out for him. All that was left was the meat and corn shell. K.C. ate 2 of these tacos! I swear I was thrilled! We were all surprised! The Boys Daddy made Chicken Soup with Lemon Grass for Big Brother and whoever wanted some. His Daddy said, "he needs Asian food." Big Brother ate a little bit, talked with his Daddy about going back to school. K.C. was screeching a lot, he looked aggravated. I went over to him to try to see what was wrong with him. He was itching, itching a lot! 30 minutes went by and his arms had these little red bumps that itched terribly. His ears even turned bright red and eyes got puffy. His Daddy said, "it must have been the tacos that he ate." Yep, he was right. I took K.C. upstairs to the bathtub for a cool bath. It didn't help, he was still itchy. I then got the Eucerin out, rubbed that on his neck, back, stomach and arms. It didn't help! So I now tried Benadryl, it helped about 40 minutes later his itching stopped! Does this mean he's allergic to the meat or corn? I am not sure. I know one thing for sure, no more tacos for K.C., it's a shame cause finally he tries something new and it itches him to death. I am so glad to have Big Brother back, K.C. gives him quick glances and Big Brother has hugged him a lot since this evening saying, "I missed you alottttt!"
That is so great to have ev eryone there. Gald big brother is back home and well. tocos huh go firure huh. hav a great weekend.
Sounds likely----perhaps there was some seasoning in the meat? So glad Big Brother is home and better.
WELCOME HOME JAYCE!!!! I am so thrilled that he is finally home and that he is getting much better! It is likely that K.C. is allergic to the corn rather than the meat but maybe if you are concerned an allergy test might be a good idea although I don't know if you want to go through that or not. Food allergies can cause certain behaviors too so it might be worth it to get the tests done because there is corn in many products that you might not even think there is, just a thought to ponder. My sister's daughter was allergic to corn and many other foods and once she took her off of those foods her behaviors stopped completely, granted she wasn't autistic but you might find that if there's a food allergy his behaviors may change for the better. We love you lots and I am sending an e-mail to you tonight.
So glad that Big Brother is home and feeling better, Tina! That stinks that KC had an allergic reaction. I know how exciting it is to have our kiddos try new foods. Conor tried a dried mango last week and I did cartwheels. :-)
Sooooooo thankful and happy he is home!
oh, i am so happy for you all to have everyone home and healthy. so sorry about the reaction! i was so proud of kc for trying something new! i put my money on the corn. fluffy's allergic. not quite as much as kc may be but it's a pretty common allergen, i've discovered.
i hope all is well and you have the change to settle back into a good, more relaxing routine.
Tina, blogger is ticking me off. I have left several comments and it never saves. Hopefully you will get this one and know that we are so glad to hear that big brother is finally home!!! Stay healthy!!!
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