K.C. is doing very well going places. He had a Dr.s appointment and made it through the whole visit without crying. The stairs that led to the Dr.s office was blocked off for repair and we had to use the elevator. K.C. has always been terrified of the elevator so as we walked on, he tried to run back out of the elevator but I caught him just in time. I held him very close to me as I pushed the button to the elevator to go up. As soon as the elevator went up he dropped down to his knees and took a deep breath as if the air were knocked out of him. Same thing on the way down, the elevator throws him off completely (his balance). He didn't cry, just looked very "thrown off." There were only two children in the office (I try my best when I call the Dr. to get an appointment when there are few people as possible.) The Dr.s office understands thankfully. The children in the office were about K.C.'s age maybe a little older. I watched K.C. around the children to see if maybe he would take notice in them. There Mommy kept staring at K.C. because he was making his noises. She seemed nice cause she smiled. The two kids were playing in a toy car, one kiddo at the steering wheel and another next to him. K.C. looked at them out the corners of his eyes. One child got up and walked over to K.C. K.C. was watching the fish. The little kiddo sat next to him and looked at him, I could see the kid trying to make eye contact, a connection, maybe make friends but K.C. never looked at him. K.C. got up and as I watched him move through the office I realized he never looked at anyone and moved very quickly as if no one was in the room. The way he walked and just moved through the office was very different. It's hard to describe. Had anyone been sitting on the floor he would have just ran them over. I did manage to get K.C. to the fish tank again and the little kid sat on the other side of us looking at the fish. I did say to K.C., "the little boy is looking at the fish just like we are." K.C. screeched. That screech had meaning, it meant, "yeah I know that little kid is there but don't mention him." I did call Mesa Parks and Recreation today and they were able to give me a number to call. I called the place. It is supposed to be a play group that gets together on Tuesday's and Thursday's. 5 and 6 years old playing together, the lady told me there were many toys, crafts and even songs that they did together. She said at the present time there were only 11 kids in the group. I asked her to sign us up thinking we could give it a try! I was really thinking this would be a great opportunity for K.C....then I told her he was Autistic. That's when it feel apart. She would not accept him into the group. I was so angry I hung the phone up on her. Jeez it's just a playgroup, play is all. I am going to keep searching. K.C. is doing well going places I thought it may be a good idea to try to get him involved with other kids. Even if he doesn't appear to be playing with them I know he's going to be watching them out the corners of his eyes and I know he'll learn. I will continue the search, tomorrow I am going to call Easter Seals, wish us luck!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Going Places
K.C. is doing very well going places. He had a Dr.s appointment and made it through the whole visit without crying. The stairs that led to the Dr.s office was blocked off for repair and we had to use the elevator. K.C. has always been terrified of the elevator so as we walked on, he tried to run back out of the elevator but I caught him just in time. I held him very close to me as I pushed the button to the elevator to go up. As soon as the elevator went up he dropped down to his knees and took a deep breath as if the air were knocked out of him. Same thing on the way down, the elevator throws him off completely (his balance). He didn't cry, just looked very "thrown off." There were only two children in the office (I try my best when I call the Dr. to get an appointment when there are few people as possible.) The Dr.s office understands thankfully. The children in the office were about K.C.'s age maybe a little older. I watched K.C. around the children to see if maybe he would take notice in them. There Mommy kept staring at K.C. because he was making his noises. She seemed nice cause she smiled. The two kids were playing in a toy car, one kiddo at the steering wheel and another next to him. K.C. looked at them out the corners of his eyes. One child got up and walked over to K.C. K.C. was watching the fish. The little kiddo sat next to him and looked at him, I could see the kid trying to make eye contact, a connection, maybe make friends but K.C. never looked at him. K.C. got up and as I watched him move through the office I realized he never looked at anyone and moved very quickly as if no one was in the room. The way he walked and just moved through the office was very different. It's hard to describe. Had anyone been sitting on the floor he would have just ran them over. I did manage to get K.C. to the fish tank again and the little kid sat on the other side of us looking at the fish. I did say to K.C., "the little boy is looking at the fish just like we are." K.C. screeched. That screech had meaning, it meant, "yeah I know that little kid is there but don't mention him." I did call Mesa Parks and Recreation today and they were able to give me a number to call. I called the place. It is supposed to be a play group that gets together on Tuesday's and Thursday's. 5 and 6 years old playing together, the lady told me there were many toys, crafts and even songs that they did together. She said at the present time there were only 11 kids in the group. I asked her to sign us up thinking we could give it a try! I was really thinking this would be a great opportunity for K.C....then I told her he was Autistic. That's when it feel apart. She would not accept him into the group. I was so angry I hung the phone up on her. Jeez it's just a playgroup, play is all. I am going to keep searching. K.C. is doing well going places I thought it may be a good idea to try to get him involved with other kids. Even if he doesn't appear to be playing with them I know he's going to be watching them out the corners of his eyes and I know he'll learn. I will continue the search, tomorrow I am going to call Easter Seals, wish us luck!
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Well, I believe that is called discrimination. :-/ I hate ignorance!!!
Why wouldn’t she take him in the group? Is it because they don’t feel they have the staff for a special needs child? That is just so wrong. Sandis goes to gymnastics, and he also will take swimming lessons this spring. He has an ARISE helper go with him to gymnastics and swimming lessons, and also our weekly early education group. ARISE is an adaptive physical education program which has volunteers that come out and help your child participate in after school recreation stuff. I don’t know what stuff they have out in Arizona, but you might try calling ARC or the YMCa because they would be the folks that would be in the know for getting kids with special needs into programs like your play group. It is great because Sandis has a 1:1 aide but he also gets to participate with the other kids, which he wouldn’t be able to do without his helper. Keep looking and keep trying (although I know I don’t’ have to say that, I know you will keep on!). I hope you find something for your awesome guy!
we have a very up and down relationship with elevators [sorry] One week, they're the best thing since sliced bread and fun, fun, fun, next week they are the devil's invention to be avoided on pain of death.
Predictability.....I wonder if I could plot a graph...
I have to agree with Melissa--this sounds like discrimination!
I know one huge obstacle is as our kids get older these "social" events go from being "Mommy and me" time to the child attending alone. A class developed for 5 year olds is probably designed as kids only. But she shouldn't have a problem with you attending with your child!
I know that it seems daunting to others to manage our children and I understand how they might be reluctant to take it. But if you present it as though you will be there and be responsible for you child she shouldn't have a problem!
I definitely support you on the social piece! This has been very challenging yet probably most beneficial piece of the puzzle for JP. Get creative! Even if it is finding peers and doing it more one on one. Either way, hopefully you can find someone more welcoming!
However, the angry mom in me would love to see you stick it to this business! That is unfair!
I keep writing a comment and it keeps disappearing! I'll try again...
That is so wrong! I agree with Melissa that this is discrimination.
I know that our biggest obstacle is that when our kids were 3 these classes were designed as "mommy and me" events. Now we are expected to just drop them off and that just isn't an option for us families. Perhaps this lady thought that is what you wanted to do??? Either way, I want to yell at her for you!
I know that we have had to get creative finding social opportunites for JP. We have found our YMCA to work with us some and I tend to set up a lot of 1 on 1 play dates. The play dates with one child tend to work best anyway. Anything bigger gets a bit over stimulating! But we are getting better and closer to managing the larger groups. (We actually use a local Burger King play area for some of our best social interactions. (Hee Hee! Those parents don't even realize that we are practicing on their children!)
Hang in there and keep looking! You'll find a fit somewhere. And please know that I am sending nasty voodoo karma to the play group lady!
Charlie adores elevators---we've almost had to call the building security on thinking that he had run into one without us......... Are there any centers for special needs kids that run playgroups? Who needs to talk to undereducated people like the woman you talked to, no thanks!
WTG KC on the doctors appointment! that's great!
I can't believe they wouldn't accept him into playgroup :( that's just wrong. bet if you spoke the Park and Rec administrator they'd have to change their minds.. I don't think they're allowed to discriminate like that! Some people!
It's hard to believe that she just slammed the door on you that way. I would sure ramp it up by calling the Parks department. Think of it this way, it's not just for your kid, but maybe mine too and all the others. It's hard to have to take a stand, but it's an opportunity to give this woman who snubbed your child a little sensitivity training. Man, I wish I could take Charlie.
You don't need a group with stupid people.
Do you have a Variety Club in the area? Email me - there's gotta be *something* where you are!
Wait - is this a government organization sponsoring this group???
They may be in deep doody...
It is a dot.org group, I don't know if that means the government sponsors them or not. United Way said they could help out, I am so relieved! Easter Seals was o.k. but United Way seemed to be more helpful. Thanks Bloggers for all your support, we love you guys bunches!
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