Big Brother got a big surprise today! His teacher had called me with good news on Wednesday. She said he would be moving to the 4th grade Science Room for Science everyday! I knew about it in advance but waited for Big Brother to give me the good news today and he did! He was very happy and today was his very first day in the new Science room. After some thinking I decided to get Big Brother a cell phone. I know some of you may be thinking, "is she nuts, a 6 1/2 year old with a cell phone?" Let me explain a little. The little "Migo" phone from Verizon has got to be genius. There are four buttons, 1, 2, 3, 4, and the middle button is a big red plus sign for emergency. The 1, 2, 3, 4, are numbers I put in for Big Brother. Like for example I am number 1 and Grandma is number 2. Big Brother would push a 1 and the phone would say, "calling Grandma." Big Brother can only call only the people I have put in the phone which is just family. He can't get or receive texts. The very best part of the phone is that there is a GPS built into the phone. It tells me where Big Brother is, when he left, how fast he left and if the phone is taken out of the "safe zones" I have for him. There is this cute little thing that hooks right onto your backpack or pants so he won't lose the phone. Now that Big Brother is with many older kids I can have some peace of mind knowing where he is and if he needs me he can call me. It's a relief. I noticed that 4 children in his classroom have the same phone.
The boys played outside today, it was quite warm. It's supposed to be 81 tomorrow or the day after. Then it's supposed to rain which is nice!
I think that it is a great idea to get him that phone, it is genius. You can rest assured knowing that he is in his safe zones and has a way to contact you when he needs to. Gosh, it is already 81 degrees? It is going to be really hot soon isn't it? Lots of love & hugs from us.
I saw one of those Migo phones the other day and thought that it was such a cool idea!
Glad to see that Big Brother is all better, too.
YEP YORU RIGHT, MY First thought was IS SHE NUTS!!!! But it sounds liek a pretty cool thing. woo hooo Jumping to the next class. Grat job!
what a fantastic phone! and many congratulations to big brother!
thank you, dear tina, for mentioning Purim. i'm excited about celebrating! we never have before.
That phone looks awesome. I would love to get one for Sandis, I know he would lose it though. If I could guarantee he wouldn't lose it it would be good, I'm always worried I am going to lose HIM!
A pal of mine bought a cell phone for her high functioning 7 year old so that he could communicate with her [mum] when he was having difficulty communicating with the school staff.
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