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Happy Mother's Day!
These are some photos from our trip. The Boys and a relative had a great time playing in the Colorado River. The water was just 61 degrees! K.C. spent alot of time taking rocks out of the water and lining them up. He did this for about two hours. He was happy so it was all good. In the first picture K.C. had picked up a rock a threw it. The rock hit Big Brother of all people right in the back of the head. He didn't cry as K.C.'s didn't throw it too hard. I noticed when K.C. does throw a rock his head hangs down and then he throws. I don't know why? Even on the elevator in the hotel he bent over with his head hanging down when the elevator moved and took great big breaths. I am going to ask his OT on Tuesday. We ate at a restaurant three times, I was terrified K.C. was going to have a melt down the whole time but he did well and I kept his reinforcers right at hand the whole time. He also kept his little dvd player with him at all times. The volume was low and it didn't bother anyone. He flapped his hands alot and did his eeeee's, people looked but I looked right back at them and smiled and they looked away. The waitress came over to us and said, "what are we watching?" She was a really nice, older lady. She then said, "is it a bird movie little guy, I saw you flapping your arms like a little bird?" Before the trip I had told myself I wasn't going mention the A word. I wasn't going to do any explaining. I had only said, "he's happy and a little shy." It worked! I hope this doesn't sound mean or selfish, but I get tired of explaining to people when we are in public why K.C. does what K.C. does. Most of the time when I do say, "he's Autistic" they immediately say, "oh I'm sorry." I know I shouldn't think this either and God knows I have never said it out loud, but I want to say, "screw you, does he look like he's dying, does he look sick, this kid is happy, healthy and quirky, your sorry, for what?" Yes it is hard raising an Autistic child but so is raising an NT child at times. Big Brother can be a pain in the butt kid at times as well. The other reason I don't want people to say, "oh I'm sorry" is because of K.C. Yes he seems to not understand, yes he's non verbal, but who knows how much he understands! The last thin I want is for K.C. to think he's a tragedy! I ordered K.C. a big plate of what I thought he might eat. I asked for a child's menu cause I knew it would have photos of food. We have been working very hard in ABA with requesting and it's finally working! K.C. pointed to each food and the tapped the catfish photo twice! I knew that was what he wanted! At home he has been tapping food items I show him very well. Only food though or drinks. We are working on requesting other items besides food and drinks. This is huge for K.C. and his anxiety has dropped alot. It's working! His ABA therapist is a genius and he really enjoys working with her. I am amazed at this lady, totally amazed! Most of all I am so so proud of both my Boys!

I am so glad that the trip went well and especially the restaurant because I know how tough that can be. I hate it too when people say they are sorry it is just so demeaning! Maybe they mean well but they should think before they speak!
oops, forgot to tell you that we love you guys and I hope that you are having a wonderful Mother's Day. ~Hugs~
I'm glad you had a great trip!
Happy Mother's Day.
I am proud of you and refraining from the "A" word. I wish I could do the same. We leave for vacation Friday, and that should be my goal too. I am also so happy to hear about the great relationship with your ABA therapist!! Happy Mother's Day!
Sounds like you had an AWESOME day. I've been quite careful lately about using the "A" word, too. When I do, I try not to use it as an excuse or an automatic response, but only in the context of "safe" people who love Conor for who he is. I know that Conor understands that he is different. I just don't want him to ever think that different is bad. Different is just different. :-)
OH MY GOSH wat a late person I am. forgot about your trip I am so glad it was fun for all. It is so cool how he is catching on withthe pictures it sounds liek it coudl make life a lot easier.
I remember the first time I told my doctor that Noah had been officially diagnosed with autism. She said the same thing like a death sentence "oh I am so sorry!"
I explained it was fine...and you are correct.....there are far worse diagnoses.
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