What a morning, the first day of the boys summer vacation started out with a bang! Big Brother starts summer school on June 1st, K.C. is doing ABA through the summer. Why can't today be June 1st?
K.C. woke up at 2:30 a.m. and right now it is 9:50 a.m. here in Arizona. It's already 86 degrees but the temperature in our house feels like hell. I tried my best to make K.C.'s night wakenings as boring as possible hoping he would go back to sleep, nothing doing! I was up all night long with him and dozed off for about 45 minutes to wake up to crayon marks all over the walls, computer screen, printer, it was everywhere. I yell, "K.C. you write walls, bad boy!" He doesn't even look in my direction, that gets me angrier, I rush over to take the crayon away only to walk on lines and lines of little cars so perfectly lined up, now destroyed from my stupid feet. He notices that immediately and screeches as if someone is trying to kill him. I ignore it. I try to ignore it, it's hard. Now Big Brother is standing at the top of the stairs saying, "what did he de-stroy now?" I tell him to go back to his room and wait there. When K.C. is in destructo, head banging about to happen mode, I try to keep Big Brother distanced from him. I know it upsets him and I don't want him to be upset. So, K.C. is still screaming, rolling on the floor, no head banging yet, that a plus! I pickup the cars and then go get cleaning stuff for the walls. Why did I not listen to the guy from Ace Hardware when he told me to get the paint with scotch guard? I'll tell you why, cause I am a cheap skate. I try to save for rainy days as best as I can. As I am cleaning the walls (and look it's actually coming off!) K.C. quites down all by himself, woo hoo! I am still cleaning and stop because I hear something break. Go into the kitchen and 3 eggs broke on the floor but the worst part is K.C. got some on his toes and is back to flipping out again. I hurry to get a cloth to get the egg off his skin as he's screaming like it's burning a hole through his skin. Got the egg off, after 20 minutes he's quieting down. I clean up the kitchen mess and then head back to clean the walls. Good news. the walls cleaned up with some good scrubbing and the walls look normal again. Big Brother hears the quiet and comes down stairs. He looks at me and says, "this morning sucks, Autism sucks too." I have never heard him talk like that before. I don't know if I should hug him because he's clearly stressed from K.C. or have him turn around and go straight to his room for talking like that. I think of how I am feeling at that very moment and ask him to come down stairs, (he's still standing at the top) I don't know if I should have said this or not but I did. I said to him, "honey I know this is a yucky morning, I feel yucky, you feel upset, I'm sorry." Then I said, "you know you shouldn't talk like that right?" He says, "yea I know Mom but look at him, he doesn't even give a care." I said nothing to that response because in all honesty it does look like K.C. "doesn't even give a care." Big Brother then says, "when is Dad coming home?" I tell him, "around 2 p.m." Big Brother says he's hungry and we go into the kitchen together. He says he would like to eat oatmeal, I say, "no eggs?" I say it only as a joke to get a smile out of him and he says, "you got to be kidding me!" K.C. comes into the kitchen and hangs around (this probably meaning he's hungry.") I get pictures and lay down two choices, "noodles" or "dry cinnamon life cereal." He lives off these food currently and even though I have added different choices to the line up when he sees the new add ons he rips then off and throws them. He taps the cereal once. He taps the noodles twice. Noodles it is! The boys have been eating together fairly well these days, so, I set them down next to each other to eat. As soon as I turn my back K.C. sends his noodles flying and for good measure grabs Big Brother's bowl and throws it too. Chaos erupts. Big Brother is so mad he bonks K.C. right on the top of the head and says, "idiot!" I usher Big Brother out of the kitchen before he hits K.C. again (he is usually very good to his brother and never hits him) K.C. looks as though he's going to have a head banging fit so I grab him and hold him in my lap. I immediately watch out for his head because he will throw it back straight into my face if I'm not watching. He cries for a good 15 to 20 minutes and then starts to settle down. When it's quiet Big Brother emerges again with Legos in a box (one of his most prized possessions) and gives it to K.C. and says, "I'm sorry I hit you (crying) you can have my Legos." All my frustrations melt away. ..