K.C.'s started his ABA therapy again:) For those of you who may not know, K.C. was doing ABA then stopped as I was trying to save money for a special Autism school in the fall for him. He is still going to go to the Autism school and do ABA. Family is helping with the cost thank God I am eternally grateful to them.
K.C. had a great first Monday mostly getting re acquainted with his therapist. He was very excited when she brought the states map he loves so much. We use the state map as a reward. He loves the map very much and searched the therapist with his eyes for the map as soon as she came through the door. It feels very right having him doing ABA again, a huge relief!
Big Brother went to a reading program at his school this evening with his Daddy. He is so happy that his Daddy is home and has stuck to him like glue, it sure makes me happy just seeing Big Brother happy.
You get a certain kind of fuzzy glow when you see your child expand and fizz in the company of their dad.
Best wishes
I am happy to hear that both boys are doing well and seem to be very happy K.C. with his map and Jayce with his daddy. It also warms my heart to know that you are happy as well. We love you all....Hugs!
ok Just a couple things,,,, I am so glad you get to have KC in the program again. Now oatmeat baths help with the skin stuff aveno bath. Then a great place to hike or walk on trails or other stuff is a park on guadalupe and past val vista on the right side way cool place. hang in there and have a great weekend
oh how lovely that both boys are doing something stimulating that they love!
so glad you're able to start up the therapy that works for your sweet guy.
and happy Passover!
Can you get your school district to pay for the special school? If you can prove that they cannot provide what he needs that the special school provides, they have to pay for it....
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