K.C.'s Eczema is clearing up! He is still itchy but it's wayyyyy better! Hooray for Steroids? I never though Steroids were good for anything until they helped with K.C.'s Eczema.
K.C. has been eating these pizza's and he LOVES THEM! Did I mention he loves them? They are Soy cheese pizza's and the amazing this is the soy hasn't bothered him! Thank God I have found something he will eat! Let's hope he keeps eating them!
I rented Flushed Away from Blockbuster and K.C. loves the previews! Only the previews, not the movie. God Forbid we try to watch the movie.
Big Brother is doing well, he has been drawing alot in his free time. Tomorrow we may go hiking, the weather has been reasonable so far. 81 tomorrow so I am pretty sure we will go hiking.
What a BEAUTIFUL photo of K.C. I could stare at it for hours as well, he has such perfectly gorgeous eyes! I am thrilled that his eczema has improved so much that is so awesome. I love Amy's products, that pizza is yummy. Hope that you had fun hiking and that it wasn't too hot for you guys. We love you guys, hugs!!!!!
Henry LOVES to watch the previews also- isn't that funny? He would like to replay them over and over. But he will watch the movie itself also- maybe KC will decide to give that a try one day :-)
K.C. is such a beautiful boy- I'm glad you managed to snap the picture!
Hi! I just found your blog thru another blog. Your little guy is too cute! My son has eczema too. I found an awesome cream that doesn't burn and it has almost cleared him up 100%. It is on the website www.dermatechrx.com. It is expensive though! check out my blog, my son has been having problems for awhile and I am currently about to get him tested for autism.
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