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ABA and Autism School
ABA and Autism School****** Thinking alot about school and ABA these days. K.C. As many of you many already know that I have been homeschooling K.C. To be honest, it isn't going as planned. It is very hard to teach K.C., very very hard. What makes it hard is that I cannot tell if I am getting through to him or not. He stims and stims and stims. It's very hard to keep him focused as his attention span is about 3 seconds and then, finger flicking, three more seconds then more finger flicking. K.C.'s daddy says I must get him back into his ABA program and get him into school in the fall (I was going to do this). Money is a huge concern as ABA is extremely expensive but worth every penny! I wanted to send K.C. to a private Autism school in the fall so I gave up the ABA to save money for the school. I begged my Parents for help to pay for the ABA and they agreed (thank God, I am so grateful to them) Now we should be able to do both and get back on track with K.C. I just can't really teach K.C. It's hard because he has no words, cannot nod his head yes or no and his eye contact has gotten so rare I have to get on my knees and look up at him when I am sitting with him trying to teach him. I was hoping to get some kind of response from his eyes that yes, he may be picking up on what I am trying to teach him, but, it hasn't worked as he turns away from my eyes in a split second. Much to do with K.C.! He can learn, he is smart, but he needs a real teacher, ABA therapist etc. Let's pray the transition back into his ABA programs goes smoothly, I really believe it will:)
I don't know if this would work for K.C., but Joey has fallen in love with video games. We have some Blues CLues games on CD, or use the ones on Noggin, Mr. Rogers, and Sesame Street online. Even if he's very stimmy- like this week- he will focus on these highly visual educational games. They are also very DTT-like- they get immediate feedback for their efforts. A regular mouse doesn't help, though- Joey needs a tracking ball.
Here's hoping for a smooth restart for your home programs!
I don't know if this would work for K.C., but Joey has fallen in love with video games. We have some Blues CLues games on CD, or use the ones on Noggin, Mr. Rogers, and Sesame Street online. Even if he's very stimmy- like this week- he will focus on these highly visual educational games. They are also very DTT-like- they get immediate feedback for their efforts. A regular mouse doesn't help, though- Joey needs a tracking ball.
Here's hoping for a smooth restart for your home programs!
Good luck! It can be exhausting teaching our kids and the ABA program should be a good thing for all of you! Keep us posted!
I believe that it is a good idea to get him back into school not only for him but for you as well. You are working yourself to death teaching him at home and I think that you need a break. I couldn't imagine how tough it is to teach at home and to take care of another child and the household duties too! You just amaze me woman!!!! ABA is outrageous but if it is worth it then go for it because K.C. deserves the very best there is! Lots of love and hugs to the three of you.
AND MOM you can NOT do it all ok. Give yoruself a break will ya. We allways try and be SUPER MOMMY we can NOT. Tina I can not even try and know where you ae with K.C. and his autisum BUT I sure CAN know the MOMMY part sweetie. If you forget you K.C. is farther behind then ever. Hang in there.
Sounds like you have a good plan----how is the school district involved with all this? Since it does not seem there is the right kind of placement for him in the district, couldn't it be argued that it's the district that has still to provide him with the appropriate education and services?
One more question----are you sure of getting a spot in the school for KC?
Hi Bloggers:)
I am sure that he has a spot for fall:) My parents have an attorney who is going to help with getting the school to pay for K.C. Autism School. We are fairly sure they aren't going to fight because they were sending him home for his "behaviors." At least in the new school they will not be sending him home and know how to help him:) I am praying it all comes together but I know prayer alone won't make it happen, we gotta work hard at it:) K.C. will start his ABA programs Monday, his therpaist visited us and K.C. looked happy, he even cracked a little smile. I feel he even he knows that the ABA helped him and maybe he's glad that we will be starting again, there is so much to work on!
You are doing great. I think the fall plan sounds good. I am a teacher, I have taught students who are at risk and who are very challenging in special program settings for years. Even having a masters in education, I know I can not teach Sam. You need to be the roll of mother to him, which you do amazingly. ABA and school that will meet KC's needs is best. The district needs to provide it. I am glad you have lawyers for the process. Hang in there. Like Lora said, you need the break also.
Oh yah, and I like your web page set up. The color is soothing and inviting. :)
You are such an awesome advocate for KC and an amazing mom to your kids. I admire you. Keep the faith, sister friend.
You are such an awesome advocate for KC and an amazing mom to your kids. I admire you. Keep the faith, sister friend.
Best wishes to you and K.C.! I would love to homeschool my autistic son, but unless I get instantly cloned so that I can teach and care for my other 3 children, that won't happen any time soon. I can very much relate to your noticing that your home program isn't going as planned, and that you wonder if you are reaching him. Even though I don't homeschool Samuel, I have invested a lot of time into being able to work with him at home on academics. It has taken years (he is in his 5th year of public school), and just within this past month I am able to sit at the kitchen table to do his homework with him.
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