Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Been Sick :(

Hi Bloggers I' ve missed you all:) I have been sick with a nasty kidney infection :( I am finally over it thanks to anti biotics. I guess I haven't been drinking enough water these days, just Dr. Pepper :( The good news is I have kicked my Caffeine habit and haven't had any caffeine at all in 13 days! Now I am just drinking Sprite Zero, no caffeine or sugar!
The boys are doing well, K.C.'s therapies are going really well and he has been very co operative with his ABA instructor! I am very proud of him and so glad we have started ABA again. K.C. isn't able to trace lines so we have been working extra hard with him in this area. He still handles his pencil with a fisted grasp and does a very fast back and forth motion. We are trying to teach him how to hold the pencil properly and how to trace some simple lines. He needs lots of hand over hand and I have even found these chunky pencils that are easier for him to hold.
Big Brother has been a busy little fellow at school. He is taking alot of tests this week so he's been going to bed 30 minutes earlier this week. Yesterday he took the reading portion and today will be the writing portion. His teacher called and said Big Brother says he is going to score 100 on the testing. I said, "great" and she said, "no, it makes it harder for the other children." I asked her, "how do you figure?" She said if a child scores a 100 on these tests then the folks who give the test will make it that much harder for the children next time round. I told Big Brother to do his best and if he wants to make a 100 then I am totally behind him and he should go for it!! Big Brother has made a friend at school, his first friend really. He is a 8 year old boy from India. He really likes this little guy and I am thrilled that he's found a friend.
Passover was tough because I was sick. We had passover Seder at my Mom's house and I was just soooo sick. Big Brother read some Hebrew this year and that was the highlight of the evening for me. I cried, happy tears:)
Hope you all are well and had a great holiday with your families. I will be by your blogs soon:)

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Hang in there with the line tracing and handwriting. Noah was still NOT doing it correctly either just 15 months or so ago....not quite 2 years ago. He could not hold a pencil or crayon or anything appropriately. Same for scissors. It did come over time with lots of practice and reinforcement! HE WILL BE ABLE TO DO IT!