Last night I had a craving for Mexican food and decided I wanted to make a quick trip to this local fast food Mexican restaurant for Carne Asada. K.C. was in a diaper and t shirt, the place is about 3 minutes from home, I have the car seat of out of the car because we are going to San Francisco soon. We are flying, all three of us! Anyways, I seat belted K.C. into his seat and he was fine. Lately K.C. has discovered his private parts and I have had the toughest time keeping his hands out of his diaper or keeping clothes on him for that matter. Well I ordered the food and pulled up to the window to pay. The guy working the window yelled something in Spanish and another worker came to the drive thru window and looked towards the back seat of the car. They were laughing. K.C. was directly behind me and I thought he may have been finger flicking or something but he wasn't he had gotten his diaper off and yep, you guessed it, he was doing what he shouldn't be doing. I was horrified, not because of K.C. so much but because of the workers. I really lost my temper, I told the drive thru workers to keep their food I didn't want food from perverts. Now I am left with wondering how the hell I am going to keep this kid from stripping his clothes off. I have tried saying, "clothes on" hundred times and it hasn't worked. Does anyone know if there are clothes that are very very difficult to take off? Any ideas? Help!
onesies???? poor you!!
Boy. Been there, done that. All of my kids were strippers at one point or another. In the summer I would let them wear those swimsuits that are all one piece and come down like shorts. That tended to keep the clothes on. In the winter I would put on one piece jammies - backwards. Charlie did the stripping for so long that I had to put a safety pin through the zipper pull and attach it to the neckline.
You are surely not alone, and it does pass.
you are a saint. it is hard becuase there is ALWAYS a reason for the behavior. finding out what is the key. I notice my son does it more when he is sick-or on anibiotics. or if he has eaten something that makes him irritated down there. I just finished the book Strange Son-have you read it? if not you must. MUST. My point is KC knows what you are saying-every word. You tell him "no" and mean it-and start now.
Conor used to be a stripper but has grown out of it for the most part. If it makes you feel any better to commiserate, we had to tell Conor to get his hands out of his pants in the psychiatrist's office waiting room today. Sheesh. At least there, anything goes! LOL
What about overalls for KC? Conor absolutely hates them, but they are very difficult to get off.
When he is keeping his clothes on at home and hands in the right place especially, praise him lots........ I'd be careful about sayin "hands quiet" etc. too much as that may result in him doing it more! For awhile giving Charlie a squishy ball to hold helped----something else for him to do with his hands. Take lots of care as always---
I don't blame you for telling the perverts to keep their food, I would have been angry too. I don't have a solution for you honey but for sure I feel for you and wish that I could help. It is true that K.C. understands all that you say to him even if he doesn't respond so keep up what you are doing and you may find that it works one day. Hope that you had a great trip and I can't wait to hear from you, I miss you guys. We love you guys bunches.....Hugs!!!!
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