Saturday, September 29, 2007

Videos of the boys at the skatepark.

The boys at the skatepark:)


GClef1970 said...

I love seeing BOTH of your boys! Conor was fascinated with the skateboarding. I kept trying to point out how well KC swings (because Conor can't swing on his own yet)!

KC's Blog said...

Hey there Melissa,
Wish we lived closer the boys could all play together, that would be cool.
He just learned to swing all within the last couple weeks. I like this swing because his feet touch the ground and he can gain momentum by pushing his feet off the ground. He really likes the swing :)

JUST A MOM said...

it breaks my heart so see KC,, it is so much easier to just HEAR about him. I love the shirt,,, Big brother is getting pretty good on that thing.

Donetta said...

Wow the boys look great they are doing so well. The park is very familure. Just S/E of us a few miles.

Melinda said...

great videos! Looks like KC loves to swing too! Noah does....can do it for hours....and he is always attracted to the swings that make sounds like the one KC was on in your video clip.