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The school bus was about 20 minutes late today and I was beginning to go into panic mode. I was just about to call and seen it coming around the corner and put the phone away. K.C. was not a happy camper. His face was red, crying and looked tired. The bus driver told me that as K.C. was walking with the teacher to board the bus some students were making fun of him because of the harness he wears on the bus. I was angry. I wondered if this is what life is going to be like for him sometimes? I don't know what the teacher said to the students but I think the schedule delay totally threw K.C. off. He knows the routine of boarding the bus and when he got sidetracked from the other students who were making fun of him it threw him off. The bus driver said the teacher said from now on K.C. won't wear the harness out to the bus. She will put the harness on him when he's on the bus and not standing outside the bus. This part makes me angry because K.C. has in the past totally flat our refused to board the bus and head banged and did everything he could to not board the bus. We thought having the harness on him before he boarded the bus would give us a better chance of getting him strapped into the harness more quickly. Well I am angry because K.C. should not have to please anyone. So he wears a harness big deal. He should be able to do like we have always done but no, we have to change things and upset his routine because of what someone thinks? Ridiculous! I am going to talk to his teacher about it tomorrow and explain we are not changing his routine over some mean kids making fun of him. K.C. is K.C. and he doesn't have to change a darn thing! Why are children so cruel? Why do some folks think they must please society to "fit in" to their standards? I'll say it again, freaking ridiculous!
My question is, what are they going to do to discipline the kids who are teasing him? After all, if it was KC who was teasing, I am sure they would tell him what's what. I hate bullies. I really do. I would home school if I thought I would be any good at it.
I am so sorry stuff like this has to even be brought into all your lives. Hang in there Tina!
Sounds to me like the kids doing the teasing need to make the changes, not KC!
This makes me sad. Sandis is teased a lot at school, and even when it doesn't bother him, it always bothers me.
Of course, I wasn't there but it sounds like the teacher was trying to be considerate of KC's feelings and avoid the possibility of teasing by suggesting that the harness be put on after he boards? Hope you'll let us know how the talk with the teacher goes.
This is an issue that scares the hell out of me....BULLIES! It makes so damn mad that I am beside myself with anger. I know that it will happen to Griffin and I am afraid that I will not handle it very well. You are doing the right thing Tina, K.C. should not have to change for them and their inappropriate behavior. I would ask the teacher what happened to the children who were teasing him and if their parents were even notified that they were doing it. I feel so bad for you Tina, it makes me cry just to think of it. It is a harsh reality for our children and even for some NT children as well but the parents need to know what their kids are up to at school and the school should have consequences for them. We love you guys and send big big hugs to the three of you!!!!!!
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