I am writing to vent today. I had mentioned in my previous post that I was going to take Adman and Big Brother to see Despicable Me and the theatre. We did go. Not half way into the movies K.C.'s respite worker calls and says to come home right away he had gotten burned on hot soup and she was heading to the emergency room with him. Panic stricken I must have drove 90 miles per hour to the ER where we hurried in to the front desk dragging A very pissed off Adam and Big Brother trying to help control Adam and calm him from the very fast change and an end to a movie he thought he was going to see through. Big Brother a little over 4 1/2 feet and Adam nearly 5 feet 9 inches, it was tough. We managed. Big Brother found a waiting room with a t.v. and VCR where Pinocchio was playing. I ran to check where K.C. was and the nurse directed me to the room he was in. Screaming he was, trying to bite his burned hand and two nurses trying to calm him. The Dr. came in and gave him a shot which worked wonders, sedated him. I couldn't believe my baby was hurt so bad when I thought I had the best person watching him. Where was the respite worker? NOT WITH K.C. The nurse said she had left the room to FIND ME as I was coming to the hosp. THE B**** never came back! She F****** left K.C. I'm sorry for the language I'm just so pissed. I was crying, felt so god awful bad for going to the movie and leaving K.C. This was a person I had trusted to keep him safe. The nurses say his respite worker was cooking Ramen soup for K.C. when he reached up and pulled the pot handle off the stove. Hot liquid spilled all over his little hand, the top layer just feel off. The hosp the transferred us to a burn unit downtown Phoenix. They scrubbed that burn hard and put on a 'new skin' and prescription ointment and painkillers. He's been crying and crying. Now I feel bad for just leaving Adam with Big Brother. I have no family here since my parents are both passed away now. I talked to Big Brother and he said, "Mom I wouldn't let Adam get away for my life." I cried and cried. I need someone to talk too. I'm making an appointment to see counselor. I'm overwhelmed. Need more help with the boys. Our last in home helper moved to Michigan. I miss her terribly. She's finishing up her degree there. Ihave to find help. Good help. But first I am going to do everything in my power to see that the respite worker who watched K.C. is in serious s*** and should not be around another Autistic child again. How do I even know that is what happened? K.C. can't tell me. Prayers people we need prayers.
I am so sorry!!! I will certainly pray for you and your precious boys. Do not beat yourself up over this - you are doing a fantastic job!!! Praying that you find some wonderful, trustworthy help ASAP!
I'm so sorry. Sending prayers. Hope you get the help you need and more.
I would be livid too. Vent it is a good thing better than kicking the dog hahar
I know how it is doing it on our own a bit, it is hard. Were in Mesa if ya ever need a friend on the other end of the line.
I am so sorry this is all so difficult on you.
I couldn't even comment last night... still have no words. I'm so, so sorry you are alone in all this. You need some safe and reliable help! I'm glad at least she had the compassion to bring him to the hospital... poor KC had to have been scared out of his mind.
I said a prayer as soon as I read this. I'm so so sorry- what an ordeal for all of you. Wish I could help somehow from Ohio! Hang in there- you are one tough mommy. XXXXOOOO to all of you!
Oh, this makes my heart hurt for you and your boys. I hope KC's hand heals quickly. Even more, I hope and pray you get some good support and reliable respite.
Since I'm too far away to do anything more, I'm sending hugs and prayers your way.
Oh Tina, my heart is just breaking for all of you. I wish so much that I could help you somehow. Saying lots of prayers. You deserve all of God's mercy and grace. xxoo
oh my...so sorry to hear all this. I will say some prayers...hope you find some good help soon and his hand heals fast! I have been thinking about the same thing lately.....it is just me and Noah and I have family around but no one to really help with Noah if needed. That does concern me too!
Oh honey! I just read this for the first time!!! I would have been fuming as well. My heart goes out to you and your family- especially your lil' guy... stories like this make me so sad, in more than just a sadness aspect- it makes me sad for our "system" as well. I am so sorry to hear about this.
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